Alessandro Di Giorgio

Alessandro Di Giorgio

Postdoctoral Researcher

University College London

Programming Principles, Logic and Verification group


  • ✉️ a [dot] giorgio [at] ucl [dot] ac [dot] uk
  • 📍 Room B.09, UCL Department of Computer Science, Gower Street 66-72, London WC1E 6BT, UK

Research Interests

  • Programming language semantics
  • Categorical semantics
  • String diagrams
  • Logic


  • Our paper "Diagrammatic Algebra of First Order Logic" has been accepted at LICS 2024 (preprint)
  • I am giving a talk at SYCO 12 in Birmingham (April 2024)
  • I successfully defended my thesis Diagrammatic Algebra of Relations! (February 2024)
  • I am giving an invited talk at RFC Walters Tribute in Tallinn (July 2023)
  • I am visiting Prof. Aleks Kissinger and the Quantum Group at the University of Oxford (March-April 2023)
  • I am co-organizing the 3rd ItaCa workshop in Pisa (21-22 December 2022)
  • Our paper "Deconstructing the Calculus of Relations with Tape Diagrams" has been accepted at POPL 2023 (preprint)


  • F. Bonchi, A. Di Giorgio, D. Trotta - When Lawvere meets Peirce: an equational presentation of boolean hyperdoctrines. MFCS 2024 📄
  • F. Bonchi, A. Di Giorgio, N. Haydon and P. Sobocinski - Diagrammatic Algebra of First Order Logic. LICS 2024 📄
  • F. Bonchi, A. Di Giorgio and A. Santamaria - Deconstructing the Calculus of Relations with Tape Diagrams. POPL 2023 📄
  • F. Bonchi, A. Di Giorgio and P. Sobocinski - Diagrammatic Polyhedral Algebra. FSTTCS 2021 📄
  • F. Bonchi, A. Di Giorgio and F. Zanasi - From Farkas' Lemma to Linear Programming: an Exercise in Diagrammatic Algebra. CALCO 2021 📄
  • A. Di Giorgio and M. Danelutto - Backus FP revisited: A parallel perspective on modern multicores. ParCo 2019 📄

See also my Google Scholar profile